Michigan man linked to Islamic State pleads guilty

GRAND RAPIDS (AP) - A Michigan man accused of making plans to leave the U.S. to fight for the Islamic State group pleaded guilty last Thursday to a conspiracy charge. Mohamud Muse, of Lansing, acknowledged that he made a video pledging loyalty to IS and had planned to travel to Somalia at some point in 2019. Muse and two other men were arrested a year ago at the Grand Rapids airport where his brother, Muse Muse, was starting a journey to Somalia to join IS, according to federal authorities. Mohamud Muse was aware that IS is a "designated foreign terrorist organization," his plea agreement states. Muse Muse pleaded guilty on Jan. 7. Charges are pending against a third man, Mohamed Haji. The three are naturalized U.S. citizens who were born in Kenya. Published: Mon, Feb 03, 2020