Upcoming Events

MMA?Exhibit: ‘Jonathan Thunder: Maamawi’

The Michigan Museum of Art is hosting the exhibit Jonathan Thunder: Maamawi through January 8, 2023.

Thunder creates paintings and animated films that speak to popular culture, modern society, and his Ojibwe heritage, exploring the ongoing contrasts and fractures in our society. Inspired by imagery from media, cartoons, entertainment, and Ojibwe traditions, he offers his own unique, often surreal take on the “good side and less than pristine side of the human journey.”

“Maamawi” is the Ojibwe word for “together,” and addresses shared humanity.

Jonathan Thunder is a member of the Red Lake Ojibwe Nation.

His paintings and films were included in the 2020-2021 exhibition The Art of People: Contemporary Anishinaabe Artists by Muskegon Museum of Art and Grand Valley State University Art Gallery (with guest curator Jason Quigno).

‘Bow Wow Readers’ set December 19

The Norton Shores branch of the Muskegon Area District Library will offer Bow Wow Readers 5:30 to 6:50 p.m., Monday, December 19.

This once-a-month read-aloud program pairs ages 6 and up with a trained therapy dog and handler from the Alliance of Therapy Dogs International for reading or quality time. Register for a 15-minute time-slot.

‘Home for the Holidays’ set December 16

The West Michigan Symphony will present ‘Home for the Holidays,’ 7:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 16, in the Frauenthal Theater.

The concert features pianist and conductor Rich Ridenour, soprano Amy Mahoney, WMS Children’s Choir, and Grand Haven High School Choir.

For tickets and information, visit https://westmichigansymphony.org/events/holidays-2022/