A new book from the American Bar Association, “Design Your Law Practice: Using Design Thinking to Get Next Level Results,” is a resource to learn design thinking and apply it in legal practice. The book features practical use cases and tools and is a one-stop resource to learn the basics of design thinking, gain insight into how design thinking principles have been successfully applied in the legal services sectors and equip the reader to immediately apply different design thinking approaches to gain tangible improvements and increased lawyer and client happiness. The book introduces each of the key design thinking steps, with expert contributors demonstrating how each step can be adapted to address challenges faced by lawyers, law firms and our justice systems. “Design Your Law Practice” provides real, practical case studies of how design thinking has been successfully used in a range of law firm and legal services contexts.
About the editors:
• Jessica Bednarz is the director of legal services and the profession at the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS, responsible for overseeing IAALS’ work in the delivery of legal services and the legal profession. Prior to working at IAALS, Bednarz was the associate director of innovation and the Justice Entrepreneurs Project (JEP) for the Chicago Bar Foundation.
• Catherine Sanders Reach is director of the Center for Practice Management at the North Carolina Bar Association, providing practice technology and management assistance to lawyers and legal professionals. Formerly she directed the Chicago Bar Association’s Law Practice Management and Technology and the American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Resource Center.
• Juda Strawczynski is a lawyer, frequent speaker and writer on legal services regulation and legal practice. He is the CEO and registrar of the College of Patent Agents & Trademark Agents.
He was previously the director of practicePRO, LAWPRO’s claims prevention and risk management initiative.
“Design Your Law Practice: Using Design Thinking to Get Next Level Results” is available as a softcover for $79.95.
To place an order, visit www.americanbar.org/products/inv/book/429020101.
- Posted April 13, 2023
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New book showcases design thinking applied to legal practice
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