Former Michigan House Legislative Director Josiah Kissling joins Plunkett Cooney in Lansing as a client advisor

Josiah Kissling, former legislative director to two past Speakers of the Michigan House of Representatives, recently joined Plunkett Cooney as a client advisor in the firm’s Government Relations, Public Policy and Regulatory Practice Group.

 He works in the firm’s downtown Lansing office, located a few blocks from the Michigan Capitol.

With nearly 17 years of experience in Michigan politics, Kissling has extensive relationships in the state’s capital which help him to achieve the public policy goals of his clients and to ensure his clients remain compliant with state regulations.

Starting his political career in 2007 as a legislative assistant to multiple Michigan House of Representative offices, Kissling worked his way through the capital, first serving as lead policy advisor for the House majority caucus on multiple committees then becoming the budget director and deputy policy director in 2015.

His role changed in 2017 when he was selected to serve as the legislative director for the Speaker of the House.

Before joining the firm, Kissling worked at the Michigan State Medical Society as the senior director of state and federal government relations. In this role, he was responsible for lobbying the legislature and governor’s office on behalf of the Society’s 15,000 physician members.

Highlights of Kissling’s legislative accomplishments include advocating for the passage of legislation that streamlined the prior authorization process for Michigan patients and health care providers (Public Act 60 of 2022), developing strategies for the passage of legislation that reformed Michigan’s Auto No-Fault insurance laws (Public Act 21 of 2019), and negotiating the passage of legislation to eliminate Michigan’s driver responsibility fees, forgive outstanding debt  related to the fees and help impacted people get their licenses back (Public Act 43 of 2018).

In addition, Kissling’s extensive experience includes tracking and advocating for the passage of legislation that was aimed at jumpstarting brownfield redevelopment in core cities around Michigan (Public Act 46 of 2017), guiding legislation through the House that ensured the Detroit Public Schools stayed financially viable and able to serve students (Public Act 193 of 2016) and overseeing negotiations for a road funding compromise that provided new state funds to fix state and local roads and bridges throughout the state (Public Acts 174 and 176 of 2015).

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