Sex discrimination suit filed against Saginaw Valley State by transgender faculty member

Salvatore Prescott, PLLC filed suit  in federal court in the Eastern District of Michigan on behalf of a Saginaw Valley State University ("SVSU") professor fired from her administrative position at the University after she informed her supervisor that she was transgender and began presenting as a woman.

Charin Davenport, who is a professor in SVSU's English Department, had held an administrative role for the University as its Assistant to the Director of Academic Programs Support. Prior to the fall of 2013 , Davenport had presented as a man and was known as Charlie Davenport.

After Davenport disclosed to her supervisor that she was a transgender woman and planned to dress and present as a woman, her position was abruptly eliminated. Her supervisor also stopped talking to her and told her she was a "liar" and that "You disgust me. I can’t stand to look at you."

The lawsuit was filed as a sex discrimination suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Davenport's lawyer, Jennifer Salvatore, stated: "Discrimination against people who don't conform to traditional gender stereotypes is a form of sex discrimination under the law. No human being should be vilified and denigrated the way Char was by her supervisor, let alone lose their job because of who they are. She is a wonderful person with a lot of courage to speak out about what happened to her."

Salvatore Prescott is located in Northville, Mich. For more information about the firm, visit

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