Wayne Law teams finish second, third at regional LawMeet competitions

Two Wayne State University Law School transactional law teams competed in regionals of the Transactional LawMeet Competition Feb. 23, placing second and third overall in the respective competitions.

The team consisting of second-year student Alexis Havenstein of Ferndale, and third-year students Nezar Habhab of Dearborn Heights and Giuliano Mancini of Shelby Township, earned a second place finish overall at the contest hosted by Georgetown University Law Center.

The Wayne Law team of second-year students Linda Mifsud of Livonia and Elijah Simkins of Dearborn took home third place overall at the competition at Widener University Delaware School of Law.

“As a student who aspires to be a transactional attorney, participating in the LawMeet regional transactional law competition was one of the best extracurricular experiences of my 2L year,” said Mifsud. “This competition has given me confidence in my drafting and negotiating skills as well as basic knowledge of M&A, all of which will be valuable as I start my legal career.”

The teams were aided by second-year students Arthur Griem of Grosse Pointe Shores and Emad Hamadeh of Dearborn, and third-year student Jonathan Demers of Detroit, who assisted with drafting and conducting practice negotiation rounds. Associate Professor Eric Zacks is the teams’ faculty advisor.

For the competition, the teams represented the buyer in a multi-billion dollar transaction. This competition involved drafting and revising a stock purchase agreement, including making changes to opposing counsel’s draft, and conducting live negotiations with opposing counsel. The teams spent countless hours working on their agreements, participating in client conference calls and preparing for negotiations before heading to their respective competitions to conduct live negotiations against opposing teams, which were judged by practicing transactional attorneys.

The Wayne Law teams were selected based upon their performance in Wayne Law’s fall intramural Transactional Competition, which is a course taught by Zacks and is modeled after the Transactional LawMeet Competition. The course is largely student-run, and the chairpersons for 2017-18 were Demers and Habhab. 36 students competed in that competition.


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