Daily Briefs

Wayne Law students advance to Mock Trial Competition final round

Wayne Law students virtually competed in the fall Mock Trial In-House Competition Friday, Nov. 20. Advancing to the final round were second-year students Alyssa Segura and Allison Tuohy for the prosecution, and Abram Miller and McKenna Thayer for the defense, with Segura and Tuohy winning the competition. Judging the event were Assistant Professor William Ortman and part-time faculty member Daniel Ellman.


Judge refuses to block ban on indoor dining

DETROIT (AP) — A judge on Wednesday refused to block Michigan's ban on indoor dining during a surge in coronavirus cases.

U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney said a "plausible explanation" for the state order exists: People can't eat or drink without removing their mask, a step that could spread the virus.

Maloney turned down a request for an injunction with a week left in the three-week indoor dining ban. Restaurants predict that the steady loss of customers could put many of them out of business.
They also fear a possible extension of the order by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's administration.

The Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association and some restaurants sued the state health director. They said they can safely provide indoor dining and were being treated unfairly when compared to other businesses.

High schools and colleges also were told to stop in-person classes and prep sports for three weeks. Casinos, movie theaters and bowling alleys also are closed, and gyms can't host group exercise.
Maloney considered the restaurant group's claims under the federal constitution but declined to address whether the law used by the health department violates the state constitution.

The judge said he might ask the Michigan Supreme Court for guidance on that point. After a similar request by Maloney, the court in October said a 1945 law used by Whitmer for dozens of virus-related orders was unconstitutional.


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