Daily Briefs

73-year old man guilty as charged over bomb threat

On Tuesday, Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Diane Druzinski convicted 73- year-old Lynn Morton of Warren on all charges after a bench trial by Assistant Prosecutor Patrick Sierawski.

On September 15, 2022, Morton contacted the 37th Warren District Court via telephone and made a threat to bomb the court. On October 18, 2022, Morton was arrested for his warrant for the bomb threat and while he was at the Warren Police Department he refused officers commands and did not comply with officers.

Morton was charged and found guilty of a False Report or Threat of Bomb/Harmful Device (four year felony) and Assaulting/ Resisting/Obstructing a Police Officer (two year felony). He is scheduled to be sentenced on Thursday, February 29, at 9 a.m. by Druzinksi.

“Threats to our judicial system and resistance to law enforcement are serious offenses that will not be tolerated. This guilty verdict sends a clear message that such behavior will be met with legal consequences, and our justice system will hold individuals accountable for their actions,” said Macomb County Prosecutor Peter J. Lucido.

Association to celebrate Lunar New Year, Feb. 10

The Michigan Asian Pacific American Bar Association will host its annual Lunar New Year Dinner on Saturday, February 10, at Hong Hua Fine Chinese Dining, 27925 Orchard Lake Road in Farmington Hills.  Cocktail hour will begin at 5:30 p.m. with dinner following at 6:30 p.m. State Bar of Michigan President Daniel Quick and Senator Stephanie Chang will be guests of honor providing remarks to attendees.

The cost of attendance is $35 for MAPABA members, $45 for non-members and guests, and $25 for law students. Registration will be limited to the first fifty registrants and closes on Friday, February 9. To register, visit www. eventbrite.com/e/mapaba-2024-lunar-new-year-dinner-tickets-785093534897.

For questions about sponsorship opportunities, contact MAPABA Treasurer Albert Pak at apak@bodmanlaw.com.

Women’s Bar Book Club to meet Feb. 6

The Women’s Bar Association (WBA), Oakland County region of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, will present its next Book Club online Tuesday, February 6, beginning at 6 p.m. via Zoom.

For the February meeting, the club will be discussing “Crying in H Mart” by Michelle Zauner.

To register for this discussion and receive the Zoom link, email Janine. M.Plourde@gmail.com.

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