Michigan Supreme Court appoints Judge Berry to Wayne County Business Court

The Michigan Supreme Court last week appointed Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Annette Jurkiewicz Berry to serve on the bench of the Wayne County Business Court. 

“Judge Berry’s 21 years of judicial experience, erudite, and excellent reputation among attorneys and her colleagues, will make her an outstanding addition to the Wayne County Business Court,” said Justice Brian K. Zahra, the liaison to business courts. “She has extensive experience in the Civil Division and is extremely effective at efficiently managing her docket. I have no doubt she will strive to maintain the court’s successful record of moving business and complex commercial litigation cases through the court system more expeditiously, lowering costs for litigants and the court system.” 

In responding to her appointment, Berry noted that “I am honored to be selected by the Michigan Supreme Court to join the Business Court in the Third Judicial Circuit Court in Wayne County. As a judge, I look forward to presiding in a forum that handles some of the most complex litigation in the legal system.” 

Receiving her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, and her J.D. from Michigan State University Law School, Berry was first elected to the bench in 2000. Since 2013, Judge Berry has served in the Civil Division having previously served in the Criminal Division. 

Berry was recognized by The Michigan Supreme Court in a report highlighting the efforts of Michigan trial court judges who are finding ways to make a difference outside the courtroom. Berry received a special recognition from Michigan Supreme Court “Michigan’s Judiciary Success Stories — How Circuit Courts Work to Serve the People of Michigan  — Judicial Leaders Make History” and was featured “In Her Own Words: An Incomplete History of Women at the Law College,” by the Michigan State University College of Law. 

Berry currently serves on the executive board of directors for the Michigan Judges Association (MJA), having served as past-president. She was re-elected to serve on the Judicial Council of the State Bar of Michigan (SBM) this year, having previously served as chair from 2017-2018.  She was recently re-appointed by the Michigan Supreme Court to serve on the Michigan Model Civil Jury Instructions Committee along with the State Bar of Michigan to serve on the Access to Justice Policy Committee and the Judicial Ethics Committee. She serves as a member of the Michigan Court Forms Committee, State Court Administrator Office (SCAO), and is a former chairperson; Receivership Forms Committee, (SCAO); and serves as a Delegate to the American Bar Association (ABA), Judicial Division. She also previously served as a member of the Model Criminal Jury Instructions Committee from 2008-2015. Berry is a Fellow with the Fellows of the American Bar Foundation and the Detroit Bar Association.

Since 2008, Berry has served as an adjunct professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn where her courses include Ethics, Criminal Law, and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems in the Criminology & Criminal Justice Program. She formerly taught as an adjunct professor for the Ave Maria School of Law in Ann Arbor.

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